"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



I can't quite articulate the joy that filled my heart to see the first pea stem and leaf pop out from over the lid of the bottle. It's little things like that that keep me going sometimes.

As for an update on the garden: The roma tomatoes are doing great. All but one plant have at least five green tomatoes on them. Whatever the other apartment planted was planted to late. Their tomatoes just barely got blossoms and we're already getting close to winter. Inside I've got two kinds of ivy, a shamrock, and two pea plants going. The sage got hit by bugs and hail, but the basil has sprouted up. Oh, and the two trees are doing great.
And I saw some late blooming lettuce in the garden, so here soon I'll be getting another batch. (Yay! More salad!)

This morning I also looked into my own personal growth. I've been trying to get my friend to read a set of books that I loved for a very long time now and she just barely started doing it.

One of the main things that hit her, as it hit me, was there is a character named Finbar that personality-wise appeared and appears identical to me.

Since she has been asking so many questions about the books, I've had to look up bits and pieces. Which turned out to be fun, since it was like seeing my growth from a few years ago. I sure have grown...and yet, I've stayed the same. There are some things, that even though I've learned to be socially acceptable and talk proper (well, when I need to anyway), I still have not wavered on things such as my crazy code of honesty and my stillness. My need to help others is still a trial and I seem to never tire of spiritual growth in myself and others.

It was like being able to really look at myself from outside eyes and see how they see me. How Jo-Anne sees me as well. Which I think I needed right now. Guess I've been to focused on myself lately and how I see others. It's good to shake it up every once in a while.