"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Back at School

The first day back after so long was actually a bit overwhelming.

I'd forgotten how loud and busy campus life always is. My classmates probably have the idea that I'm a hermit or at least a loner. Might be right, but I really just was trying to get away from the noise.

As for the classes, just looking at the syllabus I know most of them will be rather hard. And the part that makes them more so is I want to be either the top of the class or in the top 10%. Otherwise it probably would not be too hard.

It seems as though this entire year is really a "pre" year. I'm retaking some classes that I could have done better in so that next year I can be in the Honors Physics program and with Music Tech, first year is the gate preparation year.

That was one *gulp* moment yesterday....

It really hit me that with Music Tech, the situation is as follows:
People on the waiting list to get into the intro class: 150+
People who get into the intro class (over the year): ~80
Spots available for second year: 16

Three people did not make it the first class period and all of the people on that waiting list have had to pass several tests just to be on there. And it looks like our class is going to have another test this week to weed more people out.

So there's a 1/5 or so chance for me to make it past the gate. Right now, I'm pretty confident I can do it, since one of the major qualities that you need in this field is software adaptability. And that I definitely have. Also I'm no pushover on the musical arena either.

Man, I'm really starting to appreciate the fact that my second major does not have a gate. ;)