"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Getting Answers

I found out a lot today. Enough that, sure enough, my head is spinning with it all.

Basically, I asked my closest friend here, if she wouldn't mind answering some of my religious questions if she could. She agreed and we planned on going on a hike this morning to discuss it.

I'm glad I asked. I needed to talk to someone about it. And she definitely knew the things I needed to know. Heh, and they weren't easy questions either.

I asked questions about how all the different religions came to be, what their differences were, the concept of the trinity/Godhead, gifts of the Spirit, what the priesthood is, what repentance is, etc.

There are things that are no problem for me to understand and things that I've never had a hard time in believing in...but I guess hearing all of this helped at the same time it made things harder. Kinda like taking a test that covers all you know on a subject: The test is a lot easier the less you know, but at the same time, many of the questions are interconnected. So, sometimes if you learn just enough there's an "ah-hah" moment which covers half the material.

I still have a little bit until that time, but I don't feel quite so lost now. I feel that so much is right and the stuff I'm not getting direct direction for are things that I've got to figure out conceptually. Now, there is a fire...no, not a fire... mine feels more like a plant.

A plant that I placed in the dark, or put something over and it was wilting, close to death. But now the cover is gone and I can feel it growing. I feel some of the branches need pruned and my stem needs straightening, but I'm finally growing once more towards the light.

And that's the most important part.