"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



Perhaps it's funny for me to say it, but I'm much better at problems that involve logic than those involving emotion. And this emotional problem kinda has me stumped.

Growing up I didn't generally care much for companionship. I honestly was quite content to spend hours on end listening to music, solving puzzles, thinking, and reading. But I guess somewhere...rather recently... that's changed.

As funny as it is, I am discovering a new emotion for me. Not just loneliness since I have had cause to miss people when we've been separated by location or otherwise. Those times, I missed that specific person so much, it hurt. And the closer I get to certain people, the harder the time apart is.

But this time isn't quite like that. This time... I guess I wish anyone was here. This time I don't just miss someone, I am quite simply lonely for human contact in general.

It's difficult because I'm not quite sure what I need or why I feel this way. As stated, this is a new experience.

It helped a little to listen to a friend on the phone, but as soon as we hung up, the loneliness was there again. And same thing with my roommate. I liked listening to her, but then when I was alone, I felt hungry for interaction once more.

Why do I feel this way now? I mean, I know I'm not ever really alone, so why do I long for another voice?