"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



I just barely got the concept or implications of this today and it's blowing me away. In some intellectual part of my mind, there was an understanding of the Atonement... but now I see that I had missed the main point of it all.

I didn't get that the only way is through Christ. I didn't understand that not only is this plan important, it's vital. That the only way to escape eternal death is through Christ.

It's the knowing Him and believing in him that gets us across. Before I thought He'd catch me when I fall, but that is only the most vague impression of this concept. Like a mirror representing a lake or a picture representing a lifetime of memories. I finally understand the immensity of my misconception. The concept of grace is about enough to blow my mind. And at the same time, its so simple. The only way to God is through Him. Its that simple.

But at the same time, I see that I am unworthy. Here I was amazed that he'd catch my falls, but now I see that without him, even a mistake could be the sin that rewards death. Even the ones that I had no idea about...and then add in the things that I do...and knowingly even. I can hardly take it in.

And He didn't deserve it. Its such a great gift that I hesitate to accept it, except that's what He wants. It is a gift that can only be realized in its acceptance.

You know what. I must have the coolest brother ever. ;~)