"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



I think it is time for me to start thinking on something I have taken for granted.

It's wonderful. That feeling you have when you want to be close to someone. Wonderful to be near and terrible to be away.

What makes that happen? Why is it that someone who I am close to only has to say my name or look at me to make my heart backflip into my stomach? Why is it that every critisism from anyone else does not strike me, yet theirs stabs straight to the core.

Why is it when I'm with this person, everything seems new and wonderful and exciting? As if I were a young child once more? And why, when they leave can I not seem to bear it?

And yet, I am who I am. I hold them to the highest standards as I do myself. And usually, they make it with flying colors. But why do I test them? Why do I question the feelings that are so obviously there?

If I wish to live in a world of logic, why is it that logic cannot satisfy this hunger? Why is it that I drop everything to hear them or be with them.
It doesn't make sense if I really am more intellectual than emotional. Yet, I do it every time.

Is this love? Is this friendship? Is there a difference past a certain point?

How is it I go on a hike to get answers and end up mostly basking in the person's voice. Soaking it in as if I can hear them when I'm lonely if this time I listen hard enough...

How is it that my mind points one way and my heart the other? Yet, I can't move forward. I can't seem to ignore that part, no matter how I try. And I know as soon as we meet again, I will melt. What good do my logic and ethics do me then?

Which am I to follow?