No Longer Afraid
Loved For the Oddities
Last night was really amazing! Well, ironically I appreciated it so much more quite simply because of the night before's experience.
Thursday night I went to a group activity that was something I used to be a part of. It was true that the people there were nice as they knew how to be. But I wasn't looking for polite conversation and a social smile, I was looking for a connection and a laugh. It was strange because I'd remembered vaguely what that old group was generally like, but I had diminished it in my mind since I'd left. One of the big things was the struggle to utterly conform to a set of rules or placing so much value on what others think that you conform to what you think they want you to be. And then once you get there you get depressed because you feel boring and unoriginal, but otherwise you'd feel awkward and different, so you can't go back without a fight.
Then last night...:~) I went to a game night with my bible study and... (there were people there also that did not know me) I guess instead of being awed at how different I was, there was a general acceptance.
I know how to put it! They loved me for my weirdness instead of despite of my oddities. That was the big difference. And if I happened to be normal on something, they loved me for that as well. There was no pressure to conform. And no pressure to specifically try and be different. And on the other hand, I loved them for themselves. Odd, crazy, normal people that they are.
Weakness and Strength
Something difficult I've been dealing with this last week is how weak I have become. The first time I saw my left leg muscles atrophied...(I still feel embarrassed about this)...I went into shock. And I've been discovering this week some of the changes that my body has made. My left leg has little to no muscle left on the bottom part (I've been doing quad flexes for the top) where before, that was one of the strongest muscles in my body. I've started developing bruises on my hands and realized that that makes crutches near impossible, which makes it so that I can't even walk. I haven't been stretching like I used to so I've lost flexibility. I've lost so much muscle elsewhere too, that really where I used to pride myself on physical strength, it now would be laughable to try to claim such a thing despite my best efforts.
All this is true and I won't diminish it.
But then when I cannot go on, I stop to think and realize what all I've gained. Before this, I did pride myself on my strength. Ha. Now, I pride myself on His strength. When I'm at my weakest, I've noticed He uses me to do the most amazing things. Things like listening to people, cheering them up, giving them a chance to serve someone (which strange enough usually cheers them up), and often talking to them about spiritual matters.
Through all of this, I've become stronger in love. Both in giving and receiving. It takes a lot more humility than I before possessed to ask for help and receive it lovingly. I never knew before the bond that is formed from that connection either. And as for giving love, I've had almost more opportunity to help others than they have me (and that's saying a lot!). I also have more empathy and compassion, which I figure comes from God. By the world's standards it just doesn't make sense. Because by all means, I should be less forgiving at someone stubbing their toe while I hobble along, not more. I should not love the one who kicks out my crutches accidentally or automatically help them. I should be more concerned with my hurt because it's bigger. I guess that's why I see God in all this because logically my reactions don't make sense and they make even less sense when I feel like I did something deeply and utterly right.
But without becoming weak, this would not have happened. I wouldn't be leaning on His strength if I thought mine was sufficient. But as it is, realizing that I'm weak was the best thing that's happened to me because then I realized that no matter what His strength is the only unchanging and totally sufficient strength.
Waking Up

Fighting the Depression
To be honest, it's a war from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep and even throughout my dreams. Very few times do I feel like God spares me the fight (there are moments He does give me, though). Instead of taking the trial away, He leads me through it, not around it. And I'm actually kind of grateful for this.
I have to constantly push myself towards the light and false encouragement doesn't work. I can't fool myself by saying it's all just a fun puzzle to solve or that this all will be better tomorrow. Sometimes it really isn't better. I've had to use most of my ingenuity and optimism in this battle without the pat answers. Not only that, but I'm learning to face the facts and not be afraid or ashamed. Some mornings I tell God, “I'm in pain, feeling sick, and starting out tired, which precludes a very difficult school day. But You're with me, so you know what, I think with You there, I can do it. And since You always do Your part with blessing me with that amazing grace, I'll do my best to smile and at least make someone else laugh a bit.”
During the day, I fight to stay positive and I think because I have to fight for it, I appreciate it so much more than I ever did before. I find myself wishing I could run with the dog in the field or wishing I could avoid all of the awkward stares of people walking by, but I don't allow those thoughts to go through. I push my mind back to how amazing the clouds in the sky are and marvel at the cool arm muscles I've gained from this.
And the neat thing about learning how to do this fight is it works on other things too. I just have found that no matter what bad stuff happens around me, I still am pushing towards the light. And since the battles are honest, it really does work and I find that things don't ruffle me like they used to.
And another big surprise to me was this constant fighting of the depression has apparently helped others. This wasn't called to my attention (probably a good thing) until a few days ago. Someone just admitted to me today that they felt sheepish complaining about anything around me because something about me made it seem silly. And several others pointed out how I cheered them up. I don't remember doing that. I just feel like I'm desperately turning my thoughts to God and good stuff to avoid sinking down myself. Funny how He uses me even at my lowest points.