"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Excited for School

Just one week left!!

It's been a full year of gaining residency (which meant no school, so I could save up money) and now I'm finally going back. It's wonderful! I've been really looking forward to this.

Not to mention, I'm actually really excited to be a Montanan. It's strange, since I haven't felt much loyalty to a place or school before now and here I am... Wearing MSU sweats, getting ready to work out at the gym and planning on going to the first game I get the chance to.

One important thing I discovered during this time, though, was the fact that I wish to "learn all of my life." It really hit me how hard it was to take a year off and I believe that that's going to stay with me for a long time.

Not everyone wishes it, but I sure do. Even if I get a career, I think in my actions at least, I will always be "going to school."