Well, I did it. I said that I was going to clean the house, "Come What May."
Note that these are very dangerous words to be used in most situations.
I started my cleaning rampage by doing the garbage, most of which ended up on the floor from the possibly preventable hole caused by forcing too much stuff inside to bag. But it got done (and the floor got mopped while I was at it).
Then I moved on to the dishes, gathering up all of my roommates three loads worth, as well as my own three dishes (if you count the spoon). I started the water and found that the sink was clogged. Tried plunging one side, but the wet rag on the other end didn't hold. But everyone needs a scummy, green washcloth in the face sometimes, right? Either way, the plunger didn't work.
So I tried unscrewing the thing. Didn't have pliers, but eventually did it bare-handed. Unfortunately the bucket I had underneath was 1. not big enough to hold more than half the water and 2. not sturdy enough to stay standing when all of the water gushed out onto the floor and my once white shirt. All said and done, though, it didn't work.
So, I decided to do the dishes in the bathroom sink. Basically reread the previous two paragraphs, except change the bowl and increase the amount of water and scum.
So, I decided to do the dishes in the bathtub, starting out by turning the water on, shrieking and proceeding to turn the shower head off. (But it got rid of some of the scum.)
Got a call while I was leaning over the side of the tub, water running, and scrubbing vigorously with the soapy sponge. I'm sure you can just imagine me trying to wipe off one hand and turn off the water with the other and try to keep up a good conversation while trying to keep sink scum from getting on the phone. Haha.
So, by this point, I decided to take a picture. Good thing too. That was only the dishes adventure...laundry just about did me in!