"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Just for fun

So, I did something fairly silly this semester. Perfectly in my character, but totally silly. I stubbornly jumped back into life as if I was my usual 120% self. Taking on way more than was possible for someone who is healed to 80% normal or so.

I broke down quite a few times, not wanting to give up anything, but at the same time, I wasn't really enjoying much of anything either. It really hit me when I started losing my enjoyment of music that I'd pushed things far too far. Several very wise people have cornered me in the past few days and though they each said many things, one thing they all said was to step back and find out what I enjoy.

Post-surgery on the hip also reminded me of that. When you've only got a few hours per day to do things, you are forced to prioritize what you really want to do.

I'm still processing a lot of the other stuff they said, so in the spirit of the one concept I got, I found that i really like challenging myself and find some sort of overwhelming enjoyment of sound and color put together in loops or with movement, so I found this neat program online and started playing around for a little. It's not something I'd do for an extended period of time, but it was nice to break away for a bit.

Just for fun.
And try 2.