"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



This morning, while I was working on the last edits on a philosophy paper, I got lost in thought at how great God is.

For one of the first times, I recognized that He's the one behind a lot of my preparation, not me. I've always said that, "I decided that I wanted to write better, so I decided to write a novel." There was no disrespect intended with that; it's just what I thought.

Now I've got to smile and shake my head at just how blind I was. It took me this long to see God's hand in it. For if I had not done that, where would I be now? It wouldn't matter towards my grade how well I got these philosophical theories if I could not verbalize them better than a fifth grader could. And Prof. Levy even says that most in this class get bad marks simply based upon grammatical mistakes, not upon ideas.

And here I am, because of that crazy idea (placed in my head by the Holy Ghost) I am able to correct my own paper almost at the level of a writing center employee.

Then once that concept kicked in, I started looking and realizing how He's been preparing me in so many ways, long before I'd ever need the skills. Such as with tutoring and all the skills I've had to learn then over the years. Then when it came to teaching a spiritual concept, I did it without thinking until afterwards. Or with music, how recently I had to use all the odd skills I've learned and then some to work with a certain musician. Such as playing 4 different instruments and being able to jump on a few others. Or being able to harmonize with a song I didn't know before, but just by ear on the spot.

It's a little different than being given gifts in the moment you need them. I have a lot of that too, but this is like being actually shaped and slowly molded into the tool He wants me to be.

And not just me, I've been thinking about it and He seems to do it to a lot of people in varying degrees. Heh. Whether they accept Him or not, He's shaping them. That's amazing.