"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


"I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go"

There was an amusing moment Sunday night that has continued through today. I went to a hymn singing thing and I was looking for songs that I knew and liked in the book I had. When it was my turn, I requested a song called, "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go." The Worship Leader pointed out, "Be careful what you sing" and we laughed.

But that made me question my personal sincerity in what I was singing. I thought, "What if He called me somewhere I had no friends or family, job, or house? What if He called me and I had a choice whether or not to go and start over or stay in a comfortable place?" Then it hit me. I already had. He called me to Bozeman and it was exactly that. I was leaving what comforts I had behind. It was a leap of faith and I took it. And ever since then, whenever He tells me to go, I do. I've lived in a place for a week and a half before having to move again because of that. And often I'm blessed to see a little of why.

Then today a song came on just as I was thinking about all of those moves. It was "Walk by Faith," by Jeremy Camp. It made me laugh simply because I had not thought of it that way before, but I was happy to see that I had been walking by faith all along.