"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



I'm always looking to improve life, find significance, and discover my own sense on things. And since I'm all together far too logical for my own good, often I will set up tests, collect data, reformulate the test to get different results...well, pretty much everything except a lab report. Never liked those much.

And funny as it is, I am finding that amusement, intelligent humor, is not only pleasurable, but I am suspecting essential. Laughter being a huge factor in my health (Though, it's not proven that this is why my hair grows so long and thick. Further testing needs done without cutting it every other week.) and sanity (though actual existence of sanity is hard to prove when in likelihood a double major must have not this thing to in fact be a double major).

The wit required to make an intelligent joke actually stimulates the brain in a way that is a combination of using previously hoarded knowledge and instantaneous adaptation simultaneously. And not just that, but it's gotta be put in context so that others get it (within reason, of course). Like a bad equation, you're not a genius for making up a solution that no one can duplicate.

Then the other side of it. Which is to say, you've got to be intellectually on your toes in order to stave off the attempts at your ego. Yea, your very reputation as a wit warrist. But seriously, if two or more people lived together and constantly were engaged in trying to kill the other person with laughter, then a lot of other stuff just falls into place.

And with that knowledge base, often it is knowledge of the other person, increasing friendship. In fact, that might be part of why every friend I get creates a new language. The base of knowledge changes, yet we still attempt (most often successfully) the consistent employment of humor.

Then we have breath support and I suppose a good general outlook on life. (Being a musician, they go in that order ;~) Even when laughter does not fix the situation, I have a thought that it clears your head a little, perhaps the air is shaken up, and the success rate of finding a solution increases.

What I'm saying is that humor is actually more important than its apparent levity implies and should not be thought of as superfluous in any fashion. There are very few situations that you can't squeeze a joke into. Though, when we were actually falling down the waterfall, I had to save all of the puns until the conversation had drifted a little.