"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston



Learned something in Physics. Or rather learned an old concept with the Physics perspective. And upon looking at it in the new way, I understood even another viewpoint.

We were discussing the topic of resonance. From my musical background, I already knew that it was a way in which waves combined to produce a bigger sound.

But in the lecture for Physics, he said it in a way that made me think. He showed us a rope hanging between two poles. Along the rope were quite a few tennis balls hanging from strings of varying lengths. He asked us if he were to start one swinging which one of the others would have the greatest angular velocity after a moment.

Most of the class assumed that the ball hanging from the shortest string would move the fastest since the energy required to move a certain angle was less, but that wasn't the case.

It was the one that was the same length as the original ball to be filled with energy. Not the shortest or middle or longest.

He told the class, “You see, the amount of distance doesn’t matter, it’s the coordination between the two systems in question. The one similar in nature will receive the most energy from the original. And soon enough do you know what will happen?” He waited for a moment as we watched the second ball's velocity increase and then told us what was happening. “The second system will receive energy from the first and will then be the one to supply energy to the entire system as the first had done.”

And that’s when I understood! That’s the concept of real friendship. Two people resonate, becoming more than they ever could. They supply energy to others, switching off continuously. It’s basically what God does to us. And it’s the best way I can describe my best relationships. It’s what I see in those beautiful marriages, the ones that have something I know a lasting relationship needs.

It’s as if they push each other at just the right moment and before you know it, the system accelerates. That's why if you give energy in those sort of things you get it back. Now I understand!