"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Refreshing Honesty

Just this week, it's happened quite a few times.

Someone once told me that as I grew older, people would appreciate the things that they didn't back then. And one of those was dead on honesty and boldness.

I didn't really believe them back then and it still gets me into a lot of trouble, but it's just how I am. If I feel like saying it, I'll say it how it is. (...I just realized...maybe it wasn't such a great idea for me to learn how to communicate...)

Like yesterday when I was tutoring, I looked at the next section in her book and said, "Well, you're not going to like this one, that's for sure. But it's right up my alley, so basically you're less likely to get it, but I'm better at teaching it, so we should be good." My student then commented how she liked my straight-forwardness and I was a little confused. In response, I pointed at the book and asked, "Oh. What was I supposed to say?" She just laughed, shook her head and said, "That's just it. You don't do stuff like that to be cruel or to get attention, so it makes it truly funny."

And with Jo-Anne, she's even used to me, but my blunt honesty is, "Sharply minty and pleasantly refreshing. Sure, it stings a little like mentholatum, but after all the wide-spread brown nosing out there, it's a refreshing sort of pain."

Then on Wednesday, I was asked to take minutes for a meeting. I figured minutes were to cover everything we talked about, so I put it in. And minutes after I sent out the completed minutes to be corrected, I got an e-mail back from someone saying,

OMG These are hilarious!!!!!!!

Love the "working on Dora to Jen communication"
and the "perhaps flounder a bit"

Oh my.. my abs hurt..
I got to keep reading!!! You are great!"

I was confused and asked if I should have done it differently, but she said that no, these were great. I mean, just about everything was there except the cinna-buns as another person put it.

It's strange, but that's three times in two days. I guess that person might have been right. And by golly, I think this is the way I'm meant to be. Maybe not for the sole reason of humor, but if that's a side effect, that's fine with me.