"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Mind of a Warrior

Here was an interesting one that I really liked.

It was talking about how the mind in meditation was just like that of a warrior in battle. And I don't know how many of you have ever done sword fighting or martial arts sparring or anything, but what this was saying made perfect sense to me since I have done both.

When you are about to fight or are fighting, you are not deaf, you are not blind. You see and note every little thing going on around you and in your enemy, but the real key to fighting is not letting that distract you in the slightest. You still need to know what is happening, but your mind takes in your surroundings and only brings the necessary information into your frontal awareness.

It's a really cool feeling and I realized that those really good meditations, that's what happens. I can be sitting there, fully aware of the conversations around me, the cars outside, the way my skin prickles in the cold. It's not that it doesn't matter, because it all does, but I don't let it distract me in the slightest from my thoughts.

I have never made that connection before now, but thinking about it, they are the same feeling. Strange.