"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Traverse City

This time in Traverse City, Michigan was amazing! My family dropped me off here at Aunt Sue's house and we've been enjoying each other's company before the long haul across Canada. Thankfully Aunt Sue likes eating healthy, unnamed culinary experiments, actually loves hearing someone practice flute, and enjoys Doctor Who. We also went out to Mejier a lot, explored the city every 3 days or so and went sailing a couple times with two of her friends. My cousin Michelle was up here for some of my time, so we did a long kayaking, swimming, biking trip around Lake Michigan.

I finally got a water-proof, shock-proof, drop-proof, humidity-proof, high pressure, high/low temperature camera. Basically it should be able to handle my life if I'm careful. ;) And I also got some lenses for the Canon Powershot and began playing around with those. It is basically a hardy DSLR at this point, but a lot cheaper. So, I'm still learning and playing with both cameras.

Sorry about the amount of pictures. I want to get back to swimming in Lake Superior, so I didn't spend as much time sorting as I normally would.