"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Longer Lessons

A lot of things have changed since the end of last September. I really keep looking back at that progression of time as I heal from the last surgery.

There were two types of changes and really, I'm glad I got to taste both groups. There were the lessons I was very aware of. The fights and battles to learn what I needed to in crisis situations. Things like patience in a wheelchair or dependance and trust when handicapped. Things like love for those like me and love for those with more than me. These things were fast and I'm glad I learned them.
Then there were the lessons I just realized were going on this whole time. These were the slow things. The things you learn not by trying, but by being shaped day by day into a completely different person. These are the lessons learned from enduring sickness or enduring trials where the end is not apparent and often not even looked for. Since I just barely realized this week these lessons were going on, I'd like to focus on those ones.

I joked with a friend about one just this Wednesday, but it's true. Through the sickness, one lesson that has finally come about is a certain “wisdom.” Perhaps it is just knowing how to work around my own stupidity most of the time and not trying to pretend it's not there. And sometimes this wisdom simply looks like knowing when to be still and quiet. There's a lot of wisdom to be had in a silent pair of eyes.

Another lesson that took even longer is trust in God. That one had to be learned both the quick and the long ways. The quick one was hard, but in its own way the long one was far harder. It reminds me of a C.S. Lewis quote about how when man looks out and sees no sign of God, but still obeys, then that is the worst predicament for a tempter of his soul. I guess I've felt that quite a few times. Even when I was at my worst in a state of withdrawal, I cursed God, but couldn't deny Him. At my depths, I did not know what else to do, but pray. In fact, I still don't know what else to do.
That's the depth with which He has changed me over the past year and months. Because every time I felt sick or the spasms hit, I learned to turn to Him. So now, whenever anything hits, I know no other way to be.

Endurance is of course the best long lesson to learn. I know I still have a long way on that one, but still the depth of the lesson surprises me. I knew I had to keep going even when my strength was gone and now that I've been given a new chance at energy and life, I hardly know how to contain myself.

Then appreciation for life. Golly, that one just hit me today! I forgot how exciting every breath is, every step is, every chance to see the sun and stars or read a book. And this isn't even heaven! Ha!

I'm glad for the accident. At the beginning, I guessed it was all part of God's plan for me. Good guess, but now I know even some of the good that has come of this and I've got to say (though I do not recommend getting hit by a truck) that it was totally worth it.