"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Water from a Fire-hose

Well, I feel a little overwhelmed. Not in a terrible way, but so much good has happened that I feel a little bit like I can't take any more. Women of Faith this weekend and then my baptism today.

As Carol says, it's like trying to drink water from a fire-hose. Water's good, but it's going to take me a little bit to process everything to the point of really drinking it in.

I've got to say though, today's choice felt SOOOO right! I knew that this was the right way for me. I felt...peace. And rightness. When I came up out of the water, it felt different. I guess part of what I felt was that the ceremony accented what had already happened inside of me instead of replacing it.

And the love I felt! And the happiness!!! Not just from me, but from God too. And from others. That was shocking to me, but each person that came up to say congrats...well, I thought about where they were coming from and knew their sincerity. And that in itself was amazing.

I felt so "not alone" that I hardly knew what to do. I've almost never felt so "not alone" like I did then. Christ is there with me, Carol was there with me, and many of my friends (woah...friends. They've become my friends!) were there with me.

It was a new experience. A true life glimpse of an emotion I once felt from a very special dream.

Love. I feel loved. So much, I can barely take it in. Like drinking water from a fire-hose.