"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


A Golden Afternoon

Effie took Megan and I out to Curling with some rakes and I asked a random lady if we could rake up her yard to jump in the leaves. She wasn't sure what to think of us since it was an odd request very much out of the blue, but said yes after a little bit. Then she decided to join in and brought out her puppy and took pictures of us. 

Honey colored leaves like thousands of paper thin pillows. The gulls flying over head as sunlight dapples across the nearby ocean. The soft swishing of rakes with the snuffling of a playful puppy nose. A close friend's laughter and smell of apples and ash. The soft green grass with little purple flowers as a special treat uncovered to make our pile of joy. Leaping, splashing, and stuffing leaves down each others' backs as though we were little children.

This is the sort of golden afternoon we had yesterday.