"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Logic and Belief

Last night, I was asked how I came to the conclusion that God exists. I smiled and explained that it was quite logical for me just looking at things like DNA and the beginning of space-time. Belief in God was easy. I mean, the chances of DNA working out to the model of complexity it did is darn near impossible and then of course there is the moment of space-time being created.

The real question of my conversion that she meant to ask was how did I come to believe in Christ. Because that can't be taken the same way.
Word became flesh. Entirely God and yet, entirely a human man. Completely dead and then totally alive again. One in three and somehow, three in one. Dying to live. None of it is logical in conventional manners.

As I said, believing in God was relatively easy. All creation points to His existence and the further I get in science, the more proof there is for me.

But Christ... that one had to be taken by faith. Believing God's Word about His son was a lot harder than looking at scientific facts about creation. It became far too personal to be objective anymore. (Just as He planned it to be.) And yet, I realized the ultimate objective truth. Not through my mind, but through my heart. I told her I came to believe because God chose me, I chose Him and in pursuing me, He wooed me. That's how I've come to believe.