"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


"Christmas From the Heart"

Well, it was a pretty exciting day with this afternoon being Bridger Mountain Harmony Chorus's annual show, "Christmas From the Heart." We had three quartets, two choruses, two soloists, and a flute trio involved and it was a blast.

The chorus itself was fun. And I think that it was a wonderful last show for our retiring director. At least from where I was, it was the best we'd ever done on many of the songs. I was glad God answered that particular prayer of mine, that this be a great last show for her. She really deserves it.

Most exciting for me was honestly being a part of the flute trio with Carol and Emma. I've never done anything like that. Emma has been in band and Carol's been in tons of things, but the closest thing I've had was Gamelan and that wasn't even close to as exposed as a flute trio is. But during both pieces all I seemed to be able to do was smile inside. With flute, you can really feel the resonance between you and the other two flutes. And for someone as deeply affected by music as I am, it felt like an almost physical bond between us. One of harmony and melody intertwining, leaping, and flowing together. I was sad when it was over, but exhilarated for having done it. I sure do love those two. Just to think that two years ago, I'd never met Emma and hardly knew of Carol. Wow. God can't work pretty fast when He wants to!

Then, I also did one of the solo lead parts with the chorus accompanying me. That was amazing too, but with that one, it was God I felt close to. He used my voice and I sang as I can't remember ever singing in front of a crowd. It felt so loud and ringy. But all I could seem to think about was God and all He's done for me lately, especially with leading me to Him. People said it was good and I believe them, though I don't really remember because of what it was eclipsed by.

Overall, a wonderful experience. :)