"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


Some of Life in Canada

So, life here has been overall pretty good. On the one hand, I am quite anxious to be home. On the other hand, I have been trying to fit in here the best that I can and see to be managing it. Here are some pictures of the last little while, though I don't take pictures during everything.

We have been skating a few times now. Just learned how a couple of weeks ago. And of course, we have been playing in the snow every time we get it. It never lasts long, but we make due.

We had a Doctor Who party for the 50th anniversary and then the next week I got a piece of mail all the way from Montana from my favorite little sister which made my week. I think that happiness might be why I got a 92% on my French test that night. :)

We made a spiral galaxy pizza and used the leftover cheese in green eggs and orange potatoes the next morning.

We spent Thanksgiving with Effie. I flipped the breaker for the entire upstairs light system (all I did was touch a light bulb), so we had to drag in some lamps to use in the lower outlets.

Then tonight, I learned how to Curl. That really made me feel Canadian. It's really just physics, so I wasn't too bad at it. ;)


Skating in Canada!

After years in Montana, I finally learned to skate in Newfoundland!