"If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong." --Gordon Livingston


One Strand Left

Sometimes, there are moments in life that take away all that you felt you could cling too. As if all of life were a rope that you are trying to climb and somewhere along the way, strings are unraveling and breaking off one by one. Then all that is left is that one thread that you cling to, just trying to muster the courage to climb once more.

I suppose that's some of what I feel, right now especially. I feel as though I'm trying to hold together those unraveling and snapping strings until I will only have one strand left.

And I know it's at that point that God comes and says, "let go." And funny enough, I feel just as unable to let go of the little string as I did the sturdily woven rope. That's probably the point I was supposed to learn.

I keep holding on, trying to fool myself into thinking that if I, myself, am strong enough, the string won't snap.

...but that is wrong.

There is only one way out. The same way there was even when I was climbing a solid rope. I know that God can catch me and always will, so why do I still strive for autonomy?